Variety (Unknown Percentage): Cabernet Sauvignon Blanc and Merlot
Region: Unknown
Country: Spain
Year: Non vintage
Price: $15.49
Critic Review: If you don't want to waste time on making a real Sangria, this is for sure your best option. You could add a little bit of ginger ale and lime if you want to improve its flavor. Ensure it's chill.
My Review: After tasting the number 2 version of this wine, I was ready to taste this wine and I was glad it tasted similar. I could definitely tell this was red wine from the taste, but surprisingly, it was less bitter than the white version, maybe because of the previous wine in the cup. Other than that I couldn't really tell anything different form this one from the number 2. I was also ready to buy this wine.
I did not taste food with this wine.
Critic Source: http://reviews.danmurphys.com.au/0592-en_au/DM_794494/lolea-lolea-no-1-red-sangria-reviews/reviews.htm
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