Saturday, April 23, 2016

Tasting - Fabrica De Sangrias Lolea No 2

Name: Fabrica De Sangrias Lolea No 2
Variety (Unknown Percentage): Airen and Moscatel
Region: Unknown
Country: Spain
Year: Non vintage
Price: $15.49

Critic Review: As with the red one, this sangria is not worth the money at all. It doesn't taste like sangria, but rather like a fizzing tablet thrown into water and a dash of alcohol added, this time in the colour of white. I most certainly won't buy this product again. I know how real sangria tastes, and this is not it. Full of sugar and little enjoyment on a hot summer's day. A cute looking bottle is not everything.

My Review: When I first smelled this wine I was really excited to drink it right away. It smelled really sweet and I got a lot of peaches from the nose. Luckily, it tasted as it smelled and was really good in my opinion. It reminded me of peach flavored candy in liquid form. I was ready to buy this wine.

I did not taste food with this wine.

Critic Source:

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